Apparently this disease has been in the game for more than a year, and its just coincidence that we're being plagued (ha, pun) by the same disease today. WoW really brightened my day when I saw this, yep, I felt joy at the sight of a deadly disease, how awesome. Heres a link on the stats of this disease on wowhead.com: Swine Flu
On a somewhat related note, 2 days ago I recieved an email from Blizzard Entertainment (devolopers of WoW) that my old account that I no longer use was signed up for a free 10 day trail. I thought this was odd but didn't really think anything of it. Today I get another email, here is an exerpt:
****Notice of Account Closure****Damnit! I inadvertently broke those terms that nobody reads!
Account Action: Closure
Reason for Action: Terms of Use Violation - Economy Exploitation
After a thorough investigation, we have found that a player of the account listed above participated in activities designed to gain an unfair advantage in the World of Warcraft economy.
Hmm, so I guess someone hacked into my old account, time to change the password on my new one!!!