So, ya.....I am alive to all those who thought I died (Connor.....maybe). Connor yelled at me until I agreed to come blog. I have not blogged since the first day of school, and today was the last of my 1st semester finals. Odd, no? I am a failure as a blogger :(
So, I just got the HTC Hero yesterday. It's got the Android OS on it so that's pretty cool. I can stream directly from my phone which is cool. Only one day of live streaming and I've already got requests to take my shirt off from strangers. Lol.
I recently have returned to the great community at IPower. It's a great social networking site for those of you who don't know. The main sort of theme is social activism, so to better yourself and other assorted junk. Though it seems as if a lot of people are inactive, leaving me to debate the economy and it's effect on increasing industrial farming which leads to inhumane treatment of chickens (well pretty much all livestock, i just use chickens because thats what we talked about first). Hmmm. This paragraph isn't a very good incentive to join that community. Well.....I'm there so.......ya
I mentioned I had finals. Those were hard. Math was....a bitch. I failed the 3rd term(I didn't do any homework and failed all the tests) but hopefully I didn't fail the final (I don't think I did) because that would mean I would fail the whole class. I'm going to try and drop the class next semester, which reminds me I have to email my counselor to tell him what class I want to switch it for. I'm taking fitness next semester which I'm excited about, this time I will not stop working out halfway through the semester (I hope). Oh, I paid a visit to my old middle school yesterday and saw my all time favorite teacher and hero Mr. Martin. He was just as cool as always, but he kept talking to attention whore Connor (lol) about chemistry. Anyway he only talked to us for like 5 minutes cuz he had to teach or something.
Hmm well, I think that's it for now. Usually I proofread my blogs but im pretty lazy right now so.........ya. Maybe I'll post another blog tomorrow, who knows, maybe pigs will fly.
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